Design Blog

Join me as I reflect on Donald Norman’s

“The Design of Everyday Things,” and more, to answer:

What is Great Design?

Experts give their view on Design and Technology.

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Explore the world of Virtual Reality

and its future potential.

Blog Posts

Augmented Reality: The future convergence?

In 2014, Google launched their first wearable, the Google Glass. This piece of technology was designed to be worn as a functioning pair of glasses, that featured a small display visible in the upper right eye. At the time it was not well received; the product was ugly, obtrusive with a camera pointed at the…

Virtual Reality in our world today.

My blog up until this point has been focused on virtual reality and what its future means for us. For my final posts I wanted to look at what other similar technology exists and how virtual reality is unknowingly prevelent in our society today. Technology that was designed to simulate our reality can be argued…

Smelling into the future

I wanted to briefly touch upon a sense I haven’t discussed: smell. FeelReal are currently developing an attachment for headsets that exhausts chemical vapour much like an ecigarette to give off a distinct scent. They are in their final testing phase however unfortunately due to new FDA regulations they fall into the e-cigarette category, and…

Can you see me?

The human face has 42 muscles that allows over 10,000 facial expressions. we have learnt to understand and interpret the smallest of facial movements as different emotions, and can instantly percieve what others may be thinking. So when someone ventures into virtual reality, currently you are met with this. It looks like the person, it…

Design Technology 10: A community can make a difference

Our final Design and Technology seminar was expertly delivered by Alastair MacDonald. After a discussion of current promising developments happening with the future in mind, we were split into groups, and asked to answer the following: What difference could many individual small-scale community-driven initiatives and land-activism achieve? As our discussion progressed, I kept track of…

I hit my wall: the future of movement?

This is a common occurence for me. My bedroom space is rather small, and when I am in virtual reality I find myself accidentaly doing the following. Currently, you are confined by the space you have in reality. To move you have to teleport, or be conscious of your whereabouts. Unfortunately, when your other senses…

I am one with the force

I recently have been playing the most surreal game I have ever come across in my Life. Half-Life Alyx. The level of interation in this virtual reality game is astonishing. You exist in a distopian future, where you must enter a quarantine infested zone featuring mutated zombies to save the world. And what do I…

Design Technology 9: I love my prosthetic

I was very touched with Kaitlyn Debiasse’s talk this week. She started her presentation off with a personal story: her first encounter with a disabled person. As a curious child she looked over at a man in a wheelchair. Her mother told her not to stare. This story is very similar to encounters I have…

A handshake from across the globe

So far we’ve seen how one can utilise VR in a business sense, working collaboratively across multiple PC’s no matter where in the world you are. We’ve witnessed how designers are utilising virtual design software to streamline manufacturing, and how sports are utilisin the power of visualisation to better their game. Theres one key theme…


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